Thank-You Messages

It's important to send thank-you email messages at various times in the job-search process, including:

  • After someone has agreed to be a reference for you
  • After someone has provided either a verbal or written recommendation for you
  • After you have had an informational or job interview

A thank-you message for a reference—someone you already know well—doesn't have to be formal.  A quick email to express your appreciation for the help and your intention to keep the person in the loop about your job search is enough.

A thank-you message for an interviewer or recruiter—usually someone you don't know—needs to be more formal. It should express your appreciation for the interviewer's time, reiterate your interest in the position or company, and briefly highlight your relevant skills again. If you interviewed with more than one person at a particular company or organization, send a thank-you note to each person if possible; if not, at least send a note to your host or a high-ranking manager and ask that person to extend your appreciation to the entire group.

Thank-you notes should always be written using your best grammar and spelling and sent promptly within 24 hours of an interview or notice of a recommendation being sent.

See our Sample Job Search Documents page for links to sample thank-you messages.


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

117 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-863-1032