ENGR 287: Engineering Career Preparation and Development

This optional 1-credit course, which is offered in the fall and the spring semesters, is open to all engineering undergraduate students. It covers a variety of professional development topics that will help students:

  • Write effective résumés and cover letters
  • Connect with recruiters at career fairs and other career events
  • Develop successful networking skills
  • Utilize job search tools
  • Develop competence with job interviews

Sessions are provided by Career Resources & Employer Relations staff and/or by industry guest presenters. Is your company or organization interested in sponsoring a section of ENGR 287 during either a fall or spring semester? Connect with us to discuss potential opportunities!


Bill Lippert
Associate Director, Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations
Email: wjl132@psu.edu | 814-865-6799

Course Sponsor

Image of Blue Origin company logo


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

117 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710