Résumés and More: Job Search Basics

Whether you're looking for an internship, co-op, or full-time job after graduation, you have to do more than submit job applications. You also have to provide documentation that demonstrates that you have the credentials and professionalism to be successful at work.

Almost all positions will require you to submit at least a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter. Beyond these basics, there may be different requirements for industry positions vs. academic positions.

Industry Positions

If you are seeking a position in industry, you should be ready to submit the following along with an application:

If you are seeking a full-time position after graduation, you will also need recommendations.

Academic Positions

If you are seeking an academic position—such as a faculty position—note that these positions usually require:

Depending on the institution or type of position, there may be other requirements as well.


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

117 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710