Engineering/EECS Affiliates Program

This collaborative program between Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations and the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is intended to help maximize connections between students in EECS majors and employers seeking to hire them.


$15,000 (per fiscal year, July 1–June 30)

Program Benefits


  • Personalized assistance with developing a strategic recruiting, branding, and engagement plan with both Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations and the School of EECS
  • Sponsor placement at the annual School of EECS Day ($2,000 value), including: Front-row placement at the networking reception
  • Company logo featured on event website, searchable database for students, and other media
  • Up to ten representatives at the event
  • Priority access to interview space and recruiting event scheduling
  • One complimentary recruiting day or similar event per academic year, held at the time of your choosing ($1,000 value)


  • Exclusive invitations to provide professional development presentations and activities for engineering students
  • Facilitated access to student organizations across the College of Engineering
  • Access to EECS departmental and faculty engagement opportunities


  • Highly visible booth placement at engineering career events
  • Assistance with promotion of selected activities, jobs, and events
  • Your logo on the School of EECS website and on digital displays in Electrical Engineering East, Electrical Engineering West, and Westgate Buildings


Bill Lippert
Associate Director, Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations
Email: | 814-865-6799

Kiersten Kling
Assistant to Director and Corporate Relations Liaison, School of EECS
Email: | 814-863-6740


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

117 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710