Simcenter Amesim Seminar

An engineer from Siemens will provide an introduction to Simcenter Amesim software and present tools, techniques, and examples for incorporating mechatronic system simulation and analysis into the curriculum. Open to all engineering faculty and students.

Simcenter Amesim is a commercial simulation software for the modeling and analysis of multi-domain systems. The software package is widely used in industry and academia to simulate complex engineering systems, including aerospace, automotive, energy, and mechatronics applications. The College of Engineering has received a one-year grant from Siemens that allows faculty and students to access Simcenter Amesim here.

This seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to Simcenter Amesim and its capabilities
  • Modeling of multi-domain physical systems using Simcenter Amesim
  • Design Example 1: Spring-mass damper system
  • Design Example 2: Positioning of a mass using a hydraulic jack
  • Integration of Simcenter Amesim with other engineering tools and workflows

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, network with engineering professionals, and get hands-on experience with the software (if in person).

Register to participate (in-person spaces limited); a Microsoft Teams link will also be provided for virtual participants

Contact Hunter Soper at Siemens with any questions about this event. 


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Event Contact: Carmen BilĂ©n


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

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The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

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