Photo of two women talking

CareerPREP (Professional Resources for Engineering Preparedness)

CareerPREP (Professional Resources for Engineering Preparedness) is a training program designed to help engineering students prepare for a job search and for the workforce.


CareerPREP offers a variety of events, activities, presentations, and self-guided resources from both employers and Penn State faculty/staff about career-related and professional development topics such as:

  • Using Penn State career resources (e.g., Nittany Lion Careers)
  • Writing effective résumés and cover letters
  • Working a career fair
  • Elevator pitches
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Finding research opportunities
  • Building a personal brand
  • Personal finance
  • Applying to graduate school
  • Networking with LinkedIn
  • Comparing job offers and negotiating salary
  • Technical skills development
  • Industry-specific panel discussions

There are also opportunities for one-on-one engagement with employers and Penn State representatives, including résumé reviews and mock interviews. All engineering students at all degree levels are welcome at any event of interest.

CareerPREP events include both scheduled events and activities and ongoing training opportunities. Scheduled CareerPREP events and details are listed on our events page. Links to CareerPREP activities in the College of Engineering and at the university at large that are available on a semesterly or ongoing basis are listed below:

Employers and Penn State Faculty/Staff

The CareerPREP program gives employer, faculty, and staff presenters opportunities to engage with engineering students at different levels by sharing information and resources from their perspective and with their professional background in mind, emphasizing what skills, background, and preparation they expect from students and recent graduates.


Recruiters, faculty, and staff members who would like to provide a CareerPREP session on a professionally related topic should contact:

Kim Fox
Associate Director, Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations
Email: | 814-863-9861

Bill Lippert
Associate Director, Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations
Email: | 814-865-6799 


Engineering Career Resources & Employer Relations

College of Engineering

117 Hammond Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4710

Phone: 814-863-1032